5 steps to have a success channel on Youtube
YouTube is a video sharing platform based in San Bruno, California, where brands can reach many customers at the same time and establish a deeper connection. But for that, you have to be truthful.
Below I will talk about the 7 steps:
1) Define its contents:
Talk about a subject you know and take pleasure in studying more about it and want to share your knowledge. Always look for more focused, non-generic publics.
2) Be different:
What can you offer different about the theme / subject chosen?
To be different is not to create a character of yours that does not exist. It is speaking with authenticity, not trying to imitate others and actually being what you are.
3) Study the platform:
Get to know Youtube well, to know how to use the platform strategically. Do not worry so much about equipment, this is not the most important, what really matters is the content.
4) Create a periodicity
List some titles for the videos and establish how often they will be made and published / shared
5) Be light! Have fun!
It is important to have fun with the platform. If you want to make money with it, know it’s a long-term investment, so if you have fun with it the better.
These were some basic topics that brought to anyone who wants to invest in Youtube and do not know where to start. Hope this helps.
Good luck!
Priscyla Caldas
* Este material escrevi para para o intercâmbio que fiz em San Diego na California (Fev-Mar de 2019). Esta é a versão em inglês que preparei durante o curso.
Versão em PORTUGUÊS.